Mount Everest's Big Cleanup: Nepal's Mission to Make the Mountain Shine


What's Going On?

So, Nepal's got this big plan to tidy up Mount Everest, which is pretty much the tallest trash can in the world right now. They're not just picking up litter; they're also bringing down climbers who didn't make it.


The Cleanup Crew in Action

Back in 2019, the Nepali army teamed up with Unilever and kicked off this massive cleanup party called the Mountain Cleanup Campaign. Fast forward to now, and they've bagged over 110 tons of trash! And guess what? They're not stopping. In 2024, they're hitting the slopes again with the army and Sherpas teaming up for another round.


The 2024 Game Plan

They've got 12 army folks and 18 Sherpas ready to roll out on April 14. Their mission? Haul down 10 tons of garbage and find five climbers who didn't make it back. Pretty intense, right?


Why Bother?

Mount Everest is turning into a bit of a mess, with more climbers and, sadly, more accidents than ever. In 2023 alone, 12 people didn't make it, and five are still missing. Plus, with more people comes more... well, poop. And that's not great for such an iconic place.


The Battle Against Trash

So, Nepal's pulling out all the stops. They're giving out special bags for climbers to carry their, uh, personal waste down the mountain because leaving no trace is the goal. Everyone climbing high has to pack out what they pack in, no excuses.


Tech to the Rescue

Here's where it gets cool: climbers will now have tracking chips. This isn't just about keeping the mountain clean; it's also about making sure climbers stay safe. If someone goes missing, these chips could be lifesavers.